Dedicated to intercity passenger rail expansion between Fort Worth and Kansas City through Oklahoma City and Wichita. We need a connected America!

Resources & Links

Amtrak Feasibility Report 2010

Amtrak Ridership for FY22

Amtrak Station Program Planning Guidelines 2013

Amtrak Submitted Core Application Gulf Coast 2022

Amtrak Timetable 2018

Amtrak VP Ray Lang Slide Deck 2022

Amtrak VP Ray Lang video 2022

APTA ROI Guide for Decision Makers (Vol 1) (2021)

APTA ROI Guide for Decision Makers "Methodology" (Vol 2) (2021)

APTA ROI Tool Information (Vol 3) (2021)

APTA ROI Guide for Decision Makers "Slide Deck" (2021)

BNSF Needs Assessment (2020)

FRA Benefit-Cost Analysis 2022

FRA Corridor Identification and Development Program 2022

FRA Corridor Identification and Development Letters 2022

FRA Corridor ID and Development Grant Program

FRA Long-Distance Service Study 2022

FRA Notice of Funding Opportunity for Passenger Rail 2022

FRA Restoration and Enhancements Grant Fast Sheet

FRA South Central Fact Sheet (2016)

FRA Webinars

IIJA (BIL) Infrastructure Act of 2021

IIJA (BIL) New Grants and Policy Programs

IIJA (BIL) Oklahoma

IIJA (BIL) Kansas

Kansas Senate Bill 349 (legislative year 2024) (operational support for Heartland Flyer Extension)

Kansas Senate Transportation Hearing on SB 349 (2024)

Kansas Senate Bill 514 (legislative year 2024) (passenger rail first appears on page 283)

Kansas Senate Bill 514, explained by KLRD: (passenger rail first appears on page 11)

Kansas House Bill 2552 (Passenger Rail Commission Act 2010)

Kansas Senate Bill 409 (Passenger Rail Program passed into law 2010)

Kansas Statute 75-5089 (Passenger Rail Service Program and Revolving Fund)

Kansas IKE Transportation Bill Summary

KDOT (High Speed) Rail Feasibility Study 2000 (Read the Results on page 30!)

KDOT HFE Needs Assessment 2020

KDOT and ODOT Statement Letter on Heartland Flyer Proposal 2023

KDOT Kansas Rail Plan 2006

KDOT Kansas Rail Plan 2010

KDOT Kansas Rail Plan 2017

KDOT Kansas Draft Rail Plan 2022

KDOT Heartland Flyer Extension Application 2023

KDOT letter to Norman, Oklahoma 2023

KDOT Service Development Plan 2011

KU Return on Investment (ROI)  Heartland Flyer Study 2009

MIPRC Meeting Slide Deck (2021)

Midwest Network 220 mph High Speed Rail Benefits Study

MoDOT 2012 Passenger Rail Plan

MoDOT 2021 Passenger Rail Economic Impact

MoDOT 2021 Missouri State Freight and Rail Plan

MORPAC Missouri Passenger Rail Advisory Committee

  Passenger Trains: An Energy and Climate Solution

  Rural Mobility in America

  State of Good Repair

  On-Time Performance

  Investments Along the Northeast Corridor

  United States of Underinvestment

  Growing America's Economy

  High-Speed Rail

  Rail Manufacturing = Jobs Across America

New Service – EIS – FONSI Economic Benefit – Alternatives Analysis Studies

NFA Backgrounder 2012 PDF

Tri Fold Documents

   Kansas Tri Fold 2022

   NFA Tri Fold 2021 PDF

   Oklahoma Tri Fold 2022

ODOT Amtrak Contract 2018

ODOT Amtrak Contract 2022

ODOT Carter Burgess Heartland Flyer Study 2005

ODOT Draft State Rail Plan February 2012

ODOT Grant Application for Grade Rail Safety Improvements for the HFE 2022

ODOT High Speed Passenger Rail Application 2009

ODOT and KDOT Statement Letter on the Heartland Proposal 2023

ODOT State Rail Plan 2018

ODOT State Rail Plan 2021

Oklahoma Passenger Rail Revolving Fund (Title 66-321 to 66-334)

Oklahoma Revenue and Taxation (Title 68)

Oklahoma Tourism and Passenger Rail Act

OneRail - RPA Presentation November 2021

RPA 2024 Amtrak Daily Long-Distance Study

RPA 2024 Fiscal 2025 Grant Request

RPA 2024 High-Speed Rail

RPA 2024 Bill of Rights

RPA 2024 National Network

RPA 2024 Passenger Trains Climate Solution

RPA 2024 Economic Engines

RPA 2024 BIL Already Advancing Critical Projects

RPA 2023 BIL Benefits

RPA 2023 Economic Benefits

RPA 2023 Environmental Benefits

RPA 2023 High-Speed Rail

RPA 2023 National Network

RPA 2023 Rail Passenger Bill of Rights

RPA 2019 Amtrak Solutions

RPA 2019 Benefits of Passenger Trains

RPA 2019 High-Speed Rail

RPA 2019 On-Time Performance

RPA 2019 Rural Mobility

RPA 2019 State of Good Repair

RPA - Amtrak's Route Accounting Flawed (Executive Summary 2018)

RPA - Amtrak's Route Accounting Flawed (Full White Paper 2018)

RPA Sean Jeans-Gail at Texas Rail Advocates 2022 Video

RPA Sean Jeans-Gail at Texas Rail Advocates 2022 Slide Deck

RPA State Supported Services Webinar Slide Deck (2021)

Texas Transportation Institute Heartland Flyer Benefit Study

Texas Transportation Institute Heartland Flyer Funding

TXDOT Texas Rail Plan 2010


     Executive Summary

     Table of Contents

     Chapter 1 – Introduction

     Chapter 2 – Outreach Process

     Chapter 3 – Freight Rail System

     Chapter 4 – Passenger Rail Systems

     Chapter 5 – Rail Safety and Security

     Chapter 6 – Financial Options

     Chapter 7 – Short and Long-Term Rail Program

TXDOT Texas Rail Plan Chapters 2019

TXDOT Texas Rail Plan Executive Summary 2019

TXDOT Texas Rail Plan Appendices 2019

USDOT Benefit Cost Analysis Guidance for Grant Programs 2022

WATCO Purchase Agreement to buy the Oklahoma Sooner Sub


All Aboard Washington Advocating modern rail transport in the state of Washington

Amtrak OIG - State Partners Concerns (2022)

Amtrak train stations (USA Rail Guide)

Amtrak home page

Association of Oregon Rail and Transit Advocates (AORTA)

California High-Speed Rail Authority

Coalition for a Livable Future Working for a just and sustainable region.

Denver Union Station Value Capture Case Study

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

Friends of Northern Flyer Alliance (FNFA)

Heartland Flyer Coalition (Oklahoma & Texas)

Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)

Lone Star – Amtrak Train that use to run from Chicago thru Kansas and Oklahoma to Houston

Midwest High-Speed Rail Association

Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission (MIPRC)  Kansas is a member

Midwest Regional Rail Plan - MIPRC & FRA (2021)

Missouri State Rail Plan (2021)

National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP)

North Carolina DOT Rail Division

Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT)

Oregon DOT Rail Division – Agency responsible for freight and passenger rail planning and operations

Oregon Rail Users’ League (ORULE)  – Serves organizations that operate, use and support railroads in Oregon

Pioneer Restoration Organization Coalition to restore passenger rail from Portland to Eastern Oregon, Boise and beyond

Rail Users Network (RUN)

Rail Passengers Association (NARP) RPA

RPA Bustituted: The Socioeconomic Impacts of Replacing Southwest Chief Service Over Raton Pass - 2018

Southwest Chief – Wikipedia

States for Passenger Rail Coalition – Member DOTs includes Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.

Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT)

Texas Eagle – Amtrak website

Texas Eagle on Wikipedia

Texas Rail Advocates

The Transport Politic – National coverage of existing and planned rail systems

Trains for America – Blog featuring a diverse array of significant rail issues

Transportation For America – Together we can realize a better transportation system that works for all Americans

Waynoka Historical Society (Harvey House and Depot) Waynoka, Oklahoma

Western High-Speed Rail Alliance

Wichita ACT ICT and Survey Findings Summary (2014)

Wichita ACT ICT Survey Results (2014)